Thursday, 5 March 2009


Hello and welcome to this new Leytonstone blog that aims to bring as much information about our wonderful corner of London together in one place. 
The aim is for this blog to be authored by as many local people as possible to post your thoughts, feelings, news, observations, practical information or whatever you want about Leytonstone. 
I suppose this is partly an experiment in group-authored blogging around the common theme of a shared location.Hopefully this will range from news of the next screening by the Leytonstone Film Club (April 1st 7.45pm Waltz with Bashir) or the line-up for the brilliant 'What's Cookin' at the Sheepwalk to your observations of some particularly interesting architecture in Aylmer Road.
It is your blog. Please contact us if you would like to be involved


  1. Crikey, and I got the first comment in.... one minute after you posted this, apparently. Good luck with it.

