Sunday, 8 March 2009

Film Club meeting tonight

Leytonstone Film Club will be meeting tonight at The North Star, Browning Road to choose our films for May and June and discuss any other business and generally enthuse about film. 
Anybody interested in getting involved please come along. If you can't make it please post your film choices in the comments section.
If for some reason we're not in The North Star we'll be in Weatherspoon's


  1. Hi there, just for reference the last time I visited the North Star it was not accessible to disabled people. Wetherspoons is much better for access! Just thought I'd mention it!

    I very much enjoyed the screening of Jar City, although it was a shame not to be able to join other viewers in the basement bar afterwards (and two elderly people who left with me in the lift also said it was a shame as they would have liked a coffee). Just thought I'd pass it on.

    Leytonstone film club is a great asset to the community, and the screenings themselves are fully accessible which is fantastic.

  2. Thanks Flash - valuable feedback. hope to see you for Waltz with Bashr
