Monday, 4 May 2009

Leytonstone Artists Wanted!

If you haven't yet signed up to the Leytonstone Arts Trail, it's not too late.

It's a collection of exhibitions taking place throughout Leytonstone during the period 27 June - 19 July , and more artists are welcome!

Closing date for entry is 15 May so you've got a week and a half to work out what you want to show, and either find a venue or ask us to help match you with somewhere suitable.

If you want to show it, we want to see it! It doesn't matter if you are a sculptor, painter, photographer, film maker, or something more obscure - you are welcome.

We will also be holding a craft fair on the last day of Leytonstone Festival.

So get in touch! What are you waiting for? Come and show your work to a wider audience.

More information here:

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