Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Entries wanted for the FARA Photo Competition

Ferndale Area Residents Association (FARA) is holding a photo competition as part of Leytonstone Festival 2009. Anyone living, working or studying in Leytonstone can enter. Winners will be chosen at a public exhibition at Davies Lane School on Saturday 11 July.

The theme is “We Love Leytonstone” with 3 categories:

  • Best Buildings
  • Hidden Gems
  • Green Spaces.

You can enter one photo (colour or b/w) in each category.

The entry period is 21 May-21 June so please submit your entries in good time. Please feel free to pass on information about the competition to any other Leytonstone networks you belong to.

To submit digital photos by email, send them to
Include a caption of up to 20 words for each photo, your full contact details, and your age if entering as a Junior (age 12 and under).

Or send your prints (preferred size 17 x 12cm, max size A5) to FARA Photo Competition, c/o 12 Davies Lane, London E11 3DR. Enclose captions and other details as shown above.

All entries will be displayed at Davies Lane School on Saturday 11 July from 11am-5pm. Winners will be chosen by public vote at the exhibition so please make a note now to come and vote for your favourites!

Monday, 4 May 2009

Leytonstone Artists Wanted!

If you haven't yet signed up to the Leytonstone Arts Trail, it's not too late.

It's a collection of exhibitions taking place throughout Leytonstone during the period 27 June - 19 July , and more artists are welcome!

Closing date for entry is 15 May so you've got a week and a half to work out what you want to show, and either find a venue or ask us to help match you with somewhere suitable.

If you want to show it, we want to see it! It doesn't matter if you are a sculptor, painter, photographer, film maker, or something more obscure - you are welcome.

We will also be holding a craft fair on the last day of Leytonstone Festival.

So get in touch! What are you waiting for? Come and show your work to a wider audience.

More information here: http://www.leytonstoneartstrail.org/